There are roughly 217 sections to the HTA and each one of them is listed in the Dermit Point Table in Ont. Reg 339/94.

You can view the full list on the Website

Frequently Asked Demerit Questions

Drivers convicted of certain driving related offences have demerit points recorded on their driving record.

It’s a common misconception that drivers “lose” demerit points due to convictions for certain traffic offences. In fact, a driver begins with zero demerit points and accumulates demerit points for convictions.

As a class G driver, you will receive a warning letter at 9 (nine) points and a possible interview. At 12 (twelve) points, you will: receive a letter and an interview, asking to why you should keep your licence, and -your licence may be suspended. At 15 (fifteen) points, your licence will be suspended.

Demerit points stay on your record for two years from the offence date. If you collect enough points, you can lose your driver’s licence.

As a class G1, G2, M1 or M2 driver, if you get two or more demerit points, you will be sent a warning letter. At six points you may have to go to an interview to discuss your record. If you don’t attend, your licence may be suspended. At nine points, your licence will be suspended for 60 days. After the suspension, the number of points on your record will be reduced to four, Any additional points could again bring you to the interview level. If you reach nine points again, your licence can be suspended for 6 months.

It is interesting to note that everyone talks about losing demerit points when in fact we gain demerit points. What do I mean? As drivers in Ontario, we all have zero demerit points to start with and as we get tickets and traffic violations we GAIN demerit points not lose them.

How many demerit points do I get?

Well that varies depending on if you’re a G1, G2 or a full licenced driver. As a class G driver, you will receive a warning letter at 9 (nine) points and a possible interview. At 12 (twelve) points, you will receive a letter and an interview, and asked why you should keep your licence and your licence may be suspended. At 15 (fifteen) points, your licence will be suspended by the Ministry of Transportation.

What about if I’m a Graduated Driver, G1 or G2?

As a class G1, G2, M1 or M2 driver, if you get two or more demerit points, you will be sent a warning letter. At six points you may have to go to an interview to discuss your record. If you don’t attend, your licence may be suspended. At nine points, your licence will be suspended for 60 days. After the suspension, the number of points on your record will be reduced to four. Any additional points could bring you to the interview level. If you reach 9 (nine) points again, your licence can be suspended for 6 months.

How long do points stay on my record?

Points stay on your record for 2 years from the date that you get the ticket.

How long does the Conviction stay on my record?

The conviction stays on your record from two different dates. It’s a little hard to understand because it is different from how long points stay on your record. The conviction, as I mentioned, stays on your record from two different dates.

The date you paid the ticket and the date you plead guilty in court, the conviction date. Both dates are considered the conviction date. The date you paid the ticket and the date you plead guilty to in court.


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Demerit Points System

7 points

  • Fail to remain at the scene of an accident

  • Failing to stop for a police officer

6 Points

  • Careless Driving

  • Racing, stunt driving

  • Exceeding the speed limit by 50 km/h or more

  • Failing to stop for a school bus

4 Points

  • Exceeding the speed limit by 30 to 49 km/h

  • Following too closely

3 Points

  • Exceeding the speed limit by 16 to 29 km/h

  • Driving through, around or under a railway crossing barrier

  • Failing to yield the right-of-way

  • Failing to obey a stop sign, traffic light or railway crossing signal

  • Failing to obey the directions of a police officer

  • Driving the wrong way on a divided road

  • Failing to report a collision to a police officer

  • Improper driving when road is divided into lanes

  • Crowding the driver’s seat

  • Going the wrong way on a one-way road

  • Driving or operating a vehicle on a closed road

  • Crossing a divided road where no proper crossing is provided

2 Points

  • Improper opening of a vehicle door

  • Prohibited turns

  • Failing to obey signs

  • Failing to stop at a pedestrian crossing

  • Failing to share the road

  • Improper right turn

  • Improper left turn

  • Failing to signal

  • Unnecessary slow driving

  • Reversing on a road

  • Driver failing to wear a seat belt

  • Driver failing to ensure that a passenger less than 23 kg is properly secured

  • Driver failing to ensure that a passenger under 16 years is wearing a seatbelt

  • Demerit Points and New Drivers